Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the minimum order amount?

No order is too small for us! Our roasted coffees (ground and whole) come in bags of 250g each. Please contact us directly for bulk orders of washed/green coffee.

Where do you ship to?

Currently, shipping is available to all parts of India. We hope to have international shipping to the United States available soon.

Are you eco-friendly?

At JRC, we follow traditional eco-friendly practices of growing shade-grown, sun-dried coffee. We focus heavily on the conservation of the land we are fortunate to share with multiple varieties of flora and fauna. Our practices include rainwater harvesting, recycling, natural and organic fertilization, re-forestation and our plantations are both Rain Forest Alliance and UTZ Certified properties.


Hosting a big event?

Send us a message for bulk orders & we will get back to you with a discounted pricing.